Popular Ghafla Writer Gets Mobbed By Thousands Of Fans In Kampala

Popular Ghafla writer Philip Etemesi otherwise known as ‘The Sheriff’ was yesterday mobbed my thousands of fans while enjoying a brief holiday in Kampala. As he strolled, the streets, a large crowd consisting of mostly hot females bombarded the prolific writer clamoring for autographs and pictures.

Ugandans may seem as cool as le cucumber when they are going about their normal lives and talking with funny English accents, but if there’s one thing that gets them twirling their communal moustache in excitement, it’s having a celebrity they know come into town. In fact, they were so excited to get a glimpse of Etemesi when he stepped out of his hotel that he was unable to move around until a few boda boda operators intervened to create some order

“I didn’t know I have so many fans outside Kenya, said the ever humble writer.

Now, Etemesi might be used to getting love from readers, but we’re not sure anything can prepare you for having about a hundred female hands trying to get their hands in places where they shouldn’t. At least he was prepared attire-wise as he donned one of those tough, expensive coats American law enforcement officers wear to train guard dogs to attack robbers. You never know when a stray fan is going to try to take a nibble of your elbow – or so we’d imagine. That said, Etemesi dealt with it pretty casually.

Gushing over the recent proceedings, the baby faced writer took to Instagram to thank fans for their support. 

Sharing several photos of himself reading books, writing and getting kisses from hot ladies, he said: ‘KAMPALA. I’m an emotional wreck after that – I love you.’ 

Later he shared another image, telling followers: ‘Still on such a high from yesterday. It’s so strange but I think it’s only just hitting me what’s happened over the past few years.

‘Spontaneously crying a lot and feeling huge waves of happiness.’ 

We here at Ghafla are proud to see one of our own become such a huge star. When he joined our team around 18 months ago, we warned everyone snorting with derision not to underestimate the then rookie writer and predicted he would electrify the blogging world. See now?

Whether you love or loathe Etemesi, there is no denying what he has indisputably achieved.

He now has millions of loyal readers. His articles and short stories are staggeringly bold, creative, confrontational, dynamic, positive and abusive – sometimes all at the same time. They’re also authentic, in the sense that he seems to believe everything he’s saying at the time he says it. People like that. He doesn’t hide behind politically correct statements, and isn’t afraid to attack those who attack him.

The talented fellow will give talks about blogging at two Ugandan Universities this week before moving on to Dar Es Salaam for a script-writing gig over the weekend. 

He will then jet to Rwanda for another talk before he returns to Kenya next week

CLICK HERE to see photos of Etemesi chilling with his fans in Kampala

About this writer:

Philip Etemesi