President Uhuru hits a new low! Hassan Joho reduced to tears as GSU officers block him from traveling to Mtongwe Ferry (Raw Video)

Just when you thought intimidations and police harassment ended with Daniel Moi’s regime, a disturbing video pops showing GSU officers frustrating Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho.

President Uhuru’s government is rekindling old memories of the dark era when Kenya was a police state. The incident in Nyali early today morning was a slap in the face for the new constitution which was promulgated in 2010 – it guarantees freedom of movement.

A video doing rounds on social media shows a contingent of General Service Unit (GSU) surrounding and blocking Hassan Joho at Nyali Bridge.

Apparently the GSU officers were under instructions to block the Mombasa governor from attending Uhuru’s function in Mtongwe.

The president has today re-launched the Mtongwe Ferry without Mombasa governor Hassan Joho being in attendance.

The video shows Joho pleading with the GSU officers to let him go by his business but his plea fell on deaf ears. At one point the Governor almost broke down in tears.

Watch the video below:

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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere