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Checkout the Ferguson’s impressive Mansion and fleet of cars

The Fergusons are one blessed couple from their amazing marriage to successful careers.

Shona took to social media to share a picture of their mansion and his car collection, leaving many in awe.

I give PRAISE AND GLORY to your name LORD. Thank YOU for the gift of life. Thank you for another year. WELCOME 2019

“Praise God in his sanctuary, praise him in his mighty heavens. Praise him for his acts of power, praise him for his surpassing greatness. Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp & lyre, praise him with timbrel & dancing, praise him with the strings & pipe, praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.” ~ Psalm 150

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Connie and Shona Ferguson celebrate 17 years of marriage

Connie and Shona took to Instagram to celebrate their 17th wedding anniversary, Shona Ferguson penned a heart-warming letter to his wife as he shared a series of pictures of the couple’s journey since they got married.

“17 years. Still holding each other’s hands. STILL looking into your eyes, you STILL give me butterflies, STILL miss you when I’m not with you, we STILL share the same dreams, we STILL encourage and build each other. You STILL think I’m funny. We STILL face battles together & continue to be victorious.

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The Fergusons vacation in California

The Ferguson are currently taking a time off their busy schedules to vacation in California.

The couple have been sharing their adventures with their fans on social media.

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Watch Somizi pay tribute to the Fergusons

Somizi took to Instagram to gush about how the Fergusons had inspired him.

In the Video he can be heard saying

Connie and Shona Ferguson, you guys inspire me so much. It’s amazing that you inspire a whole lot of people but even more amazing, you inspire the already inspired because I’m really inspired. I wake up in the morning and I inspire myself but I look at people like you and I go ‘yes’, ‘yes’, it’s limitless.”

You’ve worked hard. We’ve watched you as you’ve broken the mould. You have done things that we never thought would be done. And I grew up in television where it was run by a certain group of people and you guys came in. We are behind you. We support you. I love you.”

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