SAVE Kshs. 2,487 On A Custom Hardcover Maridadi Photobook

PerfectPics’ custom hardcover photo book contains 24 pages filled with your choice of cherished photographs laid out to your own specifications. Photo books provide you with a unique way of showcasing graduation, wedding and even family photos.

To create you own photo book, all you need to do is download their easy to use software and install it on your computer. You can then upload the images you wish to have in your photo book from your computer, Facebook or Flickr accounts.

Once you are done making your selections, make your order and await your stylishly bound photo book. You can view a sample photo book here for creative ideas.

24 paged Maridadi photo book
A4 sized photo book
Provide as many photos as you wish
You can have your photo book designed on your behalf by contacting them on 0705 155 135 (to be charged at an additional fee)
Ideal gift

Fine Print
Once purchased, coupon(s) sent to ‘My Coupons’ section of your Rupu account
Coupons redeemable from 19th October to 31st October, 2013
Coupons redeemable from PerfectPics located in Industrial Area, Dar Es Salaam Road, No. 7
Contact 0705 155 135 for additional information
Kindly allow 7 working days for completion
Deliveries to be charged at an additional cost

Deal closes on 17th October, 2013
Coupons redeemable on 19th October, 2013
Coupons expire on 31st October, 2013
Coupons redeemable from PerfectPics located in Industrial Area, Dar Es Salaam Road, No. 7
Contact 0705 155 135 for additional information
Kindly allow 7 working days for completion
Deliveries to be charged at an additional cost

Get that and other deals here

About this writer:

Adam Wagwau (Writer)