Ameanza mapema: DJ Mo and Size 8’s daughter photographed playing with a liquor bottle

Ladashabelle’s photo has left may wondering whether the bottle she is seen holding in the photo is a whiskey or wine bottle. The toddler whose parents are known to be ministers of the word has left many with answered questions after the photo was shared on her Instagram page.

Also read: This video of DJ Mo’s and Size 8 Daughter learning how to sing is the most adorable thing you’ll see today

Size 8 and her hubby seem like the type of parents who don’t condone children drinking or even wearing gear promoting any alcoholic substances but their daughter’s photo on the other hand is sending out a different message.

Fans have reacted to the photo as they also question whether the couple drinks on the low or if the photo was shared on purpose to get people and tabloids talking.

Though the baby posing next to the bottle of booze is harmless we can not help but wonder the motive behind the person who uploaded it.

Checkout the photo below:

Ladashabelle whiskey /wine bottle
Ladashabelle whiskey /wine bottle