The Infamous Ratchetness-Laden Masaku 7s Given A Lifeline! This Will Greatly Annoy Mututho


For rugby enthusiasts and revelers in equal measure, the ban on Masaku 7s was one of the worst nightmares they ever endured in their lives.

This was an event where ratchetness was portrayed at its extreme, ladies and gentlemen did all the unmentionable things in the name of having fun.

There were unconfirmed reports of HIV infections deliberately; prostitution at its best and drinking of liquor like there was no tomorrow.


This and many others prompted NACADA under the stewardship of John Mututho to effectively ban the Masaku 7s event, ending one of the most ratchet events in the 254.

A year after the ban, good news has hit the airwaves once again! Masaku 7s is back! With a bang!

You are doubting this? well, it came from the county boss himself. Speaking at Classic 105 this morning, governor Alfred Mutua confirmed that in a few weeks’ time Masaku 7s will be back!


So revelers and alcoholics brace yourselves for this year’s edition.

It is an opportunity that we all relish and cant wait to be sure when the event occurs. Keep Ghafla! Kenya because it is only here that you will get all the information.


About this writer:

Edward Chweya