This Is The Man Rev. Lucy Natasha Wants To Marry

When she first hit the internet, everybody was literally fascinated. Thanks to Senator Mike Sonko, Rev. Lucy Natasha was and still is considered the most beautiful creature on the pulpit.

This lady is as gorgeous as you have never imagined before. Her beauty has, reportedly, drawn many admirers to her church in Karen.

Team Mafisi are also plotting every plan to have this woman of the cloth and now her latest revelation gives even more hope to the hopeful.

Speaking to Citizen TV, Rev. Lucy Natasha revealed her relationship status, saying she is very single and probably… contented.


“I am single, but I would love to have a family in the near future. I believe that God gives us the right life partners we just have to be patient and prayerful about it,” she told Citizen TV.

The reverend says she is planning to marry in the next five years and settle down with her family.

But who is this man she wants to marry?

“I would like to marry a man after God’s own heart; one that will be my best friend and is sincere. I have no those specifications like he has to be a preacher like me, or in corporate world or business,” reports Citizen TV.

The woman of the cloth also revealed that she would love to have two kids but that is relative depending on her future husband.


About this writer:

Edward Chweya