This Week’s Best: Karaoke Wednesday Live at Natives Bar

So far a distant memory when Karoke was considered somewhat an expensive fad, as it lacked the live atmosphere of a proper party mood. Now, we have soo many clubs jumping on the karaoke band wagon having some bars holding karaoke performances for seven nights in a week! 


Natives Bar couldn’t be left behind, they officially introduce Karaoke Night from today, a night that y’all non-professional Thika Road singers have an opportunity to showcase your talent. The good thing about a club’s themed singing night, participants can croak and hog the mic as much as they want with no judgment thrown their way. Your judges will highly rated by 70% drunk revelers who can hardly tell who’s making noise.


Courtesy of Aqula Vodka, Karaoke Wednesday Live will be held tonight from 7pm plus every other Wednesday, the beautiful Lizzy shall be the host. On the decks will be Dj Steno and Dj Edu Mkare.

I hope to see all you there. Since I moved to Thika Road, I’m elated my weekdays are looking prime!

About this writer:

Sheila Kanja