Home remedies to help clear pimples (overnight)


Cucumber include Vitamins A, C, and E. When used regularly, cucumber can prevent the development of oily skin and eventually, acne breakouts.

Lemon Juice

Dip a clean cotton swab in lemon juice. Apply it to the affected area and let it stay overnight. Wash it with a lukewarm water the following morning.


If applied directly to the affected area, the toothpaste will help in drying up the pimples and absorbing excess oil. This is a very effective acne home remedy for people suffering from mild forms of acne


To use as an acne home remedy, dip a cotton swab in the honey and then apply it to the affected area. Leave it for at least 30 minutes before rinsing.


To get its full benefits, you need to mash the aspirin and mix it with a small amount of water. Mix the two until you’re able to create a paste. Apply the mixture on your acne spots and leave it on overnight