Princess komuntale Gushes about her new man

Tooro Princess Ruth Komuntale is not afraid to shout her new DJ boyfriend who she claims has shown her love more than she has ever known.

She posted a photo of her new man captioned, “My MCE I pray that you are a light in the world and that when others see you, they see God. My love,” before one of her followers replied, “He looks a nice guy. Congs cuz”. This prompted Komuntale to reply, “He is amazing cuz. Treats me like a queen”.

Rumor has it that she maybe looking towards getting officiated soon.

Princess Komuntale Speaks out on Husband’s Drug addiction

Princess Komuntale has finally spoken out on Estranged husband’s mental health situation.

Pictures of Christopher Thomas have been circulating on social media showing the former prince’s deteriorating mental state.

It is alleged that Thomas is on drugs that are causing him to act like a crazy person.

Komuntale made the comments on her Facebook page saying;

“I have always read about Thomas and his bad acts. His drug addiction and his current situation going by pictures make me so sad. Well, he is still my lawfully wedded husband. However, we both moved on and have a different life. I wish his family can now act and stop the embarrassment”

We do pray for the two in their endeavors