Citizen TV’s Evelyn Wambui and Her Husband back in the Day. Is This Where the Romance Started? (Photo)

Love doctors claim that propinquity (from Latin word propinquitas meaning “nearness”) is one of the main factors that lead to people falling in love. 

So chances are that you are more likely to date and marry your workmate than a random person you bump into at an event.

In fact, if you ask most of our parents met in school, work, went to the same gym or even church. There is even a 70% chance that you have already met your soul mate. *gasp*

Propinquity can be a factor that made it possible for a Evelyn Wambui -Karuri Nyaga union as they were colleagues before they became lovers.



I happened to land my hand on a photo of the two back in 2011 and made me wonder, did they know they would end up together? Is this where their romance began? Only the two lovebirds know.


About this writer:

Sue Watiri