Sandra Dacha Is Right About Women Choosing The Man They Love & Not The Other Way Round

Actress Sandra Dacha has sent a shrewd message to her fellow women on the considerations of choosing a partner. According to Dacha, women grow in love rather than falling in love and they should be keen on how the men they treat them.

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Sandra Dacha’s Advise

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In the current era, most relationships do not thrive. To begin with, technological advancements have greatly contributed. With just the click of a button, you can get access to a variety of people. Some end up meeting people on social media who ruin their relationships.

Unlike men, women actually learn to love progressively. That’s why it’s not peculiar for them to play hard to get but eventually they end up falling in love with the person they rejected.

Here’s what Dacha had to say;

”Dear ladies✍????

When your time to settle down comes,go for a man that loves you. You must not love him. How he treats you will teach you how to love him with time. Women grow in love. If you want to suffer in the hands of a man,try with the one you love the most but doesn’t love you back thinking you will teach him how to love you…hmmmm!”

And to be honest, it’s a shrewd message to women who are struggling to find love; especially our socialites like Amber Ray, Lillian Muli, Betty Kyallo et cetera.


About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

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