“My boyfriend recently dumped me when I told him that I work as a morgue attendant” says 26-year-old fine lady from Migori county

Alice Owuor Omito is one strong woman who is not afraid to deal with dead bodies like most people. She is one who loves her job and according to her she wouldn’t have chosen a better career than the one she now has.

She works as a mortician at Rosewood Funeral Home in Rongo, Migori County, after dropping out of nursing school in fear of facing unemployment in the future.

Speaking to eDaily the lady revealed that she began working as a morgue attendant at the age of 24 years after getting her first job at Star Mortuary in Kisumu.

Alice Awuor (Photo Courtesy of eDaily)
Alice Awuor (Photo Courtesy of eDaily)

According to Alice, she enjoys her job and always looks forward to spending time with the bodies.

“I enjoy spending a better part of my working days with the dead. I can’t imagine staying away from them even for a single working day. I have to go and look at the bodies stored in freezers daily,”

Alice Awour also prides in the fact that she is among the few female mortuary attendants in the country. This is because many ladies tend to show fear of handling dead bodies, something that makes her different from them. She went on to add that sometimes she gets chosen to do some tasks that her male colleagues cannot hack.

Her job however comes with some difficulties as she was recently dumped by her boyfriend after he found out she works as a mortuary attendant. She revealed this during her recent interview saying,

“My boyfriend recently dumped me when I told him that I work as a morgue attendant. Discrimination is just one of the several challenges I face for being a mortician. The challenges are normal though. No job is immune to challenges regardless its nature,”

Anyway as for now, marriage is not something she is interested in as she fears being left again.

“I fear my partner would dump me once he gets to know about my job. I don’t want to go through the same experience again.”