Adorable; ‘Kamatia chini’ hit makers finally unveil their son’s face

Tanzanian singers Navy Kenzo are the newest parents in the Tanzanian entertainment industry. About a month ago the couple was blessed with a baby boy whom they named Gold.

As expected the couple chose to keep his identity hidden until a few days ago when they unveiled his face.

From Navy Kenzo’s gram we also understand that their son has already bagged himself a few deals. For this reason his parents have no choice but to unveil his adorable face that has left the likes of Vanessa Mzee and others having baby fever.

Baby Gold’s striking resemblance with his daddy

Just like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, baby Gold happens to look like his dad’s twin. From the skin complexion to the facial features, Gold is definitely his father’s son!

Check out his photos below: