Confessions of a woman who is HIV positive, should she tell her partner or leave him in peace?

Kevin and Martha have been courting for a few weeks now and since they have not yet graduated to the level of knowing each other in an intimate way…they are now planning to have their status checked.

However, even before they set the perfect day to visit the healthcare center Martha makes a confession that leaves Kevin shocked and confused on what to do.

I am is HIV Positive” She says as tears run down her cheeks, it gets hard to talk and Kevin is left wondering on what he should do.

Should he leave or pretend that everything is fine – when he already knows his partners status might complicate their relationship despite the love that he already feels for her.

Being a gentleman, he keeps calms and promises to visit a health center with Martha to seek help on what they should do.

Well, they both visit a healthcare provider who advices them on the importance of Kevin using PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) a pill that keeps HIV negative people from getting infected. The medication interferes with HIV’s ability to copy itself in somebody’s body after they have been exposed. This prevents it from establishing an infection and making you sick.

PrEP Campaign

PrEP is an extra HIV prevention option and should be used in combination with condoms. Condoms protect against STIs and unwanted pregnancy when used correctly and consistently.

Why PrEP is important for sexually active people

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis is a pill that can help prevent you from getting HIV every time you have unprotected sex or when exposed to the virus.

In several studies of PrEP, it has shown that the pill has lowered the chances of getting infected by 92% mostly for those who are consistent in taking the pill.

It is important to take the pill each day as it has a high level protection against HIV and is even more effective when combined with Condoms.

It is however important to note that the pill should be taken everyday and one should visit a health center after every 3 months for check ups and follow ups just to be on the safe side.

PrEP in other words is a pill that will help you be in control of your own health especially when you are sexually active.