Exclusive: Jeff Koinange finally speaks after rumour started going around he was the sole reason Janet Mbugua was quiting…checkout yet another twist into the whole issue

Jeff Koinange has spoken to Ghafla about the rumour claiming that he is the sole reason why Janet Mbugua and some other journalists at citizen TV are calling it quits.

Judging from what was going round social media, apparently the fella was getting about 2 million Kenyan shillings yet he his show airs only once a week.

This was said to be the reason the others were willing to walk out however speaking to Ghafla this afternoon we have learnt that no one is leaving the station.

Also read:Exclusive: Citizen’s management confirms Janet Mbugua is leaving the station and this is why

Jeff Koinange says that they are one happy family and the stories going round are nothing but propaganda.

He gave us his word saying that Janet and Hussein are still working with citizen TV, something that has left us wondering what exactly is going on at the media house.

Anyway, as for now fans shouldn’t be worried about not seeing Janet Mbugua nor Hussein Muhhamed on TV. Below is a screenshot of the conversation we had with the TV host.