Ida Odinga was right, churches need to be reigned in

Remember when Ida Odinga was telling Kenyans that the government needs to step in and regulate churches because they had gone wild with insanity? Pepperidge Farms remember! (Google that reference). And Kenyans were quick to lampoon her as if she wasn’t right.

Now that a cult in Malindi has been exposed for preaching demonic madness and getting it’s members to starve in a bid to get to see Jesus, Kenyans are beginning to take note.

But what her husband’s political rivals did, you know, the guys who eventually took office, President Ruto and his deputy who is more suited to be a village chief than a national leader was to close ranks with the errant churches.

Churches have not only become a den of thieves and scammers but now they are harbouring charismatic psychopaths who are going out of their way to kill as many people as possible with a bastardized version of the gospel.

Now what’s left? It’s a bunch of families mourning the deaths of their loved ones who were both vulnerable and stupid enough to get absorbed into a cult and then we will act angry and the cycle repeats itself in the next few years.


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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay