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2 Young Ghanaians At Forbes Under 30 Summit

Two Ghanaians in the United States of America make it to the 2018 Forbes Under 30 Summit. They are there to exhibit their startup.

The Forbes Under 30 Summit is an annual event. The summit brings together different groups of young entrepreneurs, CEOs, founders, leaders, mentors, investors and many more from around the world.

The summit serves as the definitive place to learn, network, collaborate, recruit and exchange ideas of the future.

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The two Ghanaians are Blank Oppong Studyman, and William Ntim Aburam They were part of the young entrepreneurs selected this year after a rigorous process to showcase their app called Pledgr at the startup hub.

Ghanaians at Forbes Under 30 summit with their app, Pledgr

Pledgr is an app that compel users to create and achieve their goals using friends as accountability partners.

Pledgr combines the powerful psychological influence of social media with a bit of AI technology. Moreover, this is to create a platform where users are encouraged by their circle of influence to get things done. It advocates the need for everyone to set goals and actually do them.

When you make a post (set a goal) on pledgr, you cannot delete it. Also, it sets a date and time to it done. When you achieve your goal, you upload a picture or video as proof that you actually did it.

You then receive an achievement badge on your post and hence you can have a catalogue of all your achievements on your profile.

About this writer:

Lawrencia Larbi-Amoah