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I’m Tired Of Sex For Roles Questions – Baby Blanche

Actress cum TV presenter, Baby Blanche has stated that she is tired of being asked if she

ever offered sex in exchange of movie roles.

The ‘trophy’ actress believes that about time media persons stopped asking entertainers

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such questions.

According to her they make it seem as if exchanging sex for favors only happens in the

entertainment industry when actually the situation is ubiquitous.

slammed journalists and program hosts been in the

Baby Blanche, who has been in the industry for a decade is is certain that she has worked hard to get to where she is now.

As such, she gets ticked off whenever media persons ask her whether she has offered

sex with producers in order to get roles

“I am just tired of being asked if I exchange sex for roles or anything. See, about two weeks ago, I went to a media house to promote my television show and the host asked me about sponsorship then after I answered, the next question was whether I was sexually harassed or offered sponsorship in exchange for sex.

“Please some of us have worked hard to get to where we are. Honestly, I felt ridiculed, I felt bad. It’s like they paint the picture as if these things only happen in the movie or entertainment industry; it happens everywhere, in every career.

“I’m sorry, that question is a dumb question. Wherever males and females converge, there will always be proposals, requests, soliciting, demands; even in the animal’s kingdom it happens.

“In the medical fraternity, it is there, law, in politics, it is everywhere,” Baby Blanche told Showbiz.

She added that: “It is not just me. I have listened to and watched a lot of shows and it was always the females they threw those questions to.

“What about the men? Are they not part of the human race and who says they

do not face similar things we go through?

“It is time we do away with such questions; you hear some asking if a female musician has slept with her manager or something. I have been thinking about it and I do not get it.”

Baby Blanche advised the media to focus on promoting the content they bring to them instead of focusing on sex.

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“The interesting part of all this is that even when you try to dodge that question, they have a way of being persistent. It’s like they want to hear something by all means.

“It is just not encouraging at all; we have gone past those kinds of questions. I come to you because I have something good I want the world to know about and you are the mouthpiece.

“You are to help me push that good thing out there and it should end there. Ever since I got into the industry, it has been like that and it is time we put a stop to it”, she said.

Baby Blanche was discovered by Socrates Safo of Movie Africa Productions and has appeared

in several movies helmed by the producer/director, including Hot Fork, Adults Only, What S*x Can Do, among others.

She now has her own television show, Girls Girls With BB.

About this writer:

Peace Agyare

Peace Agyare loves to write and is addicted to reading. She is a staff at & A well bred journalist with a flair for entertainment, society and arts. She loves covering events and reporting personalities for the public consumption. Email : [email protected] Instagram @peaceagyare & Twitter ; @agyare_peace